
Every product at Blue Swallow Designs is made by hand, from the smallest trinket boxes to our largest outdoor pieces. Each item is unique and is built from scratch in our workshop at Acton Park in Tasmania. All our timber items are made from recycled or reclaimed wood; whether scavenged from house demolitions, thrown out furniture, mill ends, off-cuts, old pallets, firewood and so on – we’ll use just about anything.

The links below will take you to pages with sample photos and a few details of each product in that category. To buy ready-made, go straight to our Etsy online store.

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Anything for the living room, dining, family rooms and the bedroom. Includes: Trinket Boxes and Essential Oil Boxes.


All our outdoor products: Bird Houses, Trugs, Mallets and Dibbers.


Things used in the kitchen, whether it’s for cooking, displaying or serving: Charcuterie Boards, Serving Trays, Cutting Boards, Rolling Pins and Spatulas.


Just a couple of items to help keep your pet comfy and warm: Dog Beds and Cat Beds.


Traditional, film-based, black and white Photographs and Photo Frames.

Custom Designs

For details about special or custom orders go straight to our Custom Designs page.